Chapter 10 Data Analysis: First Steps
In the first part of this chapter, we look at some key functions for applied data analysis in R. At this point, we have already implemented collecting/importing and cleaning the raw data. The analysis part can be thought of as a collection of tasks with the aim of making sense of the data. In practice, this can be explorative (discovering interesting patterns in the data) or inductive (testing of a specific hypothesis). Moreover, it typically involves functions for actual statistical analysis and various functions to select, combine, filter, and aggregate data. Similar to the topic of data cleaning/preparation, covering all aspects of applied data analysis with R goes well beyond the scope of one chapter. The aim is thus to give a practical overview of some of the basic concepts and their corresponding R functions (here from tidyverse
10.1 Merging/joining datasets
The following two data sets contain data on persons’ characteristics and their consumption spending. Both are cleaned datasets. But, for analysis purposes, we have to combine the two datasets. There are several ways to do this in R, but most commonly (for data.frames
as well as tibbles
), we can use the merge()
# load packages
# initiate data frame on persons' spending
<- data.frame(id = c(1:3,1:3),
df_c money_spent= c(1000, 2000, 6000, 1500, 3000, 5500),
currency = c("CHF", "CHF", "USD", "EUR", "CHF", "USD"),
## id money_spent currency year
## 1 1 1000 CHF 2017
## 2 2 2000 CHF 2017
## 3 3 6000 USD 2017
## 4 1 1500 EUR 2018
## 5 2 3000 CHF 2018
## 6 3 5500 USD 2018
# initiate data frame on persons' characteristics
<- data.frame(id = 1:4,
df_p first_name = c("Anna", "Betty", "Claire", "Diane"),
profession = c("Economist", "Data Scientist",
"Data Scientist", "Economist"))
## id first_name profession
## 1 1 Anna Economist
## 2 2 Betty Data Scientist
## 3 3 Claire Data Scientist
## 4 4 Diane Economist
Our aim is to compute the average spending by profession. Therefore, we want to link money_spent
with profession
. Both datasets contain a unique identifier id
, which we can use to link the observations via merge()
<- merge(df_p, df_c, by="id")
df_merged df_merged
## id first_name profession money_spent currency year
## 1 1 Anna Economist 1000 CHF 2017
## 2 1 Anna Economist 1500 EUR 2018
## 3 2 Betty Data Scientist 2000 CHF 2017
## 4 2 Betty Data Scientist 3000 CHF 2018
## 5 3 Claire Data Scientist 6000 USD 2017
## 6 3 Claire Data Scientist 5500 USD 2018
Note how only the exact matches are merged. The observation of "Diane"
is not part of the merged data frame because there is no corresponding row in df_c
with her spending information. This approach to merging two data sets (only keeping the matched rows on both sides) is often referred to as an inner join. If for some reason, we would like to have all persons in the merged dataset, we can specify the merge()
-call accordingly:
<- merge(df_p, df_c, by="id", all = TRUE)
df_merged2 df_merged2
## id first_name profession money_spent currency year
## 1 1 Anna Economist 1000 CHF 2017
## 2 1 Anna Economist 1500 EUR 2018
## 3 2 Betty Data Scientist 2000 CHF 2017
## 4 2 Betty Data Scientist 3000 CHF 2018
## 5 3 Claire Data Scientist 6000 USD 2017
## 6 3 Claire Data Scientist 5500 USD 2018
## 7 4 Diane Economist NA <NA> NA
this version of merging two data sets is also often referred to as an outer join.
Finally, you might be in a situation in which keeping all rows of the first (left) dataset or the ones of the second (right) dataset makes sense, but not both. You can do this by specifying all.x=TRUE
(keep all rows of the first dataset) or all.y=TRUE
(keep all of the second dataset). These types of merging datasets are often also referred to left join and right join, respectively.
# left join
<- merge(df_p, df_c, by="id", all.x = TRUE)
df_merged3 df_merged3
## id first_name profession money_spent currency year
## 1 1 Anna Economist 1000 CHF 2017
## 2 1 Anna Economist 1500 EUR 2018
## 3 2 Betty Data Scientist 2000 CHF 2017
## 4 2 Betty Data Scientist 3000 CHF 2018
## 5 3 Claire Data Scientist 6000 USD 2017
## 6 3 Claire Data Scientist 5500 USD 2018
## 7 4 Diane Economist NA <NA> NA
# right join
<- merge(df_p, df_c, by="id", all.y = TRUE)
df_merged4 df_merged4
## id first_name profession money_spent currency year
## 1 1 Anna Economist 1000 CHF 2017
## 2 1 Anna Economist 1500 EUR 2018
## 3 2 Betty Data Scientist 2000 CHF 2017
## 4 2 Betty Data Scientist 3000 CHF 2018
## 5 3 Claire Data Scientist 6000 USD 2017
## 6 3 Claire Data Scientist 5500 USD 2018
The following figure illustrates the four types of joins.
10.2 Selecting subsets
For our analysis’s next steps, we do not need to have all columns. Via the select()
-function provided in tidyverse
we can easily select the columns of interest:
<- select(df_merged, id, year, money_spent, currency)
df_selection df_selection
## id year money_spent currency
## 1 1 2017 1000 CHF
## 2 1 2018 1500 EUR
## 3 2 2017 2000 CHF
## 4 2 2018 3000 CHF
## 5 3 2017 6000 USD
## 6 3 2018 5500 USD
10.3 Filtering datasets
In the next step, we want to select only observations with specific characteristics. Say we want to select only observations from 2018. Again there are several ways to do this in R, but the most comfortable way is to use the filter()
function provided in tidyverse
filter(df_selection, year == 2018)
## id year money_spent currency
## 1 1 2018 1500 EUR
## 2 2 2018 3000 CHF
## 3 3 2018 5500 USD
We can use several filtering conditions simultaneously:
filter(df_selection, year == 2018, money_spent < 5000, currency=="EUR")
## id year money_spent currency
## 1 1 2018 1500 EUR
10.4 Mutating datasets
Before we compute aggregate statistics based on our selected dataset, we have to deal with the fact that the money_spent
-variable is not tidy. It describes each observation’s characteristic, but it is measured in different units (here, different currencies) across some of these observations. If the aim was to have a perfectly tidy dataset, we could address the issue with spread()
. However, in this context, it could be more helpful to add an additional variable/column with a normalized amount of money spent. That is, we want to have every value converted to one currency (given a certain exchange rate). In order to do so, we use the mutate()
function (again provided in tidyverse
First, we look up the USD/CHF and EUR/CHF exchange rates and add those as a variable (CHF/CHF exchange rates are equal to 1, of course).
<- data.frame(exchange_rate= c(0.9, 1, 1.2),
exchange_rates currency=c("USD", "CHF", "EUR"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
<- merge(df_selection, exchange_rates, by="currency") df_selection
Now we can define an additional variable with the money spent in CHF via mutate()
<- mutate(df_selection, money_spent_chf = money_spent * exchange_rate)
df_mutated df_mutated
## currency id year money_spent exchange_rate money_spent_chf
## 1 CHF 1 2017 1000 1.0 1000
## 2 CHF 2 2017 2000 1.0 2000
## 3 CHF 2 2018 3000 1.0 3000
## 4 EUR 1 2018 1500 1.2 1800
## 5 USD 3 2017 6000 0.9 5400
## 6 USD 3 2018 5500 0.9 4950
10.5 Aggregation and summary statistics
Now we can start analyzing the dataset. Typically, the first step of analyzing a dataset is to get an overview by computing some summary statistics. This helps to better understand the dataset at hand. Key summary statistics of the variables of interest are the mean, standard deviation, median, and a number of observations. Together, they give a first idea of how the variables of interest are distributed.
As you know from previous chapters, R has several built-in functions that help us do this. In practice, these basic functions are often combined with functions implemented particularly for this step of the analysis, such as summarise()
provided in tidyverse
As the first output in our report, we want to show the key characteristics of the spending data in one table.
mean = mean(money_spent_chf),
standard_deviation = sd(money_spent_chf),
median = median(money_spent_chf),
N = n())
## mean standard_deviation median N
## 1 3025 1789 2500 6
Moreover, we can compute the same statistics grouped by certain observation characteristics. For example, we can compute the same summary statistics per year of observation.
<- group_by(df_mutated, year)
by_year summarise(by_year,
mean = mean(money_spent_chf),
standard_deviation = sd(money_spent_chf),
median = median(money_spent_chf),
N = n())
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
## year mean standard_deviation median N
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
## 1 2017 2800 2307. 2000 3
## 2 2018 3250 1590. 3000 3
Alternatively, to the more user-friendly (but less flexible) summarise
function, we can use lower-level functions to compute aggregate statistics provided in the basic R distribution. A good example of such a function is sapply()
. In simple terms, sapply()
takes a list as input and applies a function to the content of each element in this list (here: compute a statistic for each column). To illustrate this point, we load the already familiar swiss
# load data
Now we want to compute the mean for each variable in this dataset. Technically speaking, a data frame is a list, where each list element is a column of the same length. Thus, we can use sapply()
to ‘apply’ the function mean()
to each of the columns in swiss
sapply(swiss, mean)
## Fertility Agriculture Examination
## 70.14 50.66 16.49
## Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
## 10.98 41.14 19.94
By default, sapply()
returns a vector or a matrix.23 We can get a similar result by using summarise()
. However, we would have to explicitly mention which variables we want as input.
Fertility = mean(Fertility),
Agriculture = mean(Agriculture)) # etc.
## Fertility Agriculture
## 1 70.14 50.66
10.6 Tutorial: Analise messy Excel sheets
The following tutorial is a (substantially) shortened and simplified version of Ista Zahn and Daina Bouquin’s “Cleaning up messy data tutorial” (Harvard Datafest 2017). The tutorial aims to clean up an Excel sheet provided by the UK Office of National Statistics that provides data on the most popular baby names in England and Wales in 2015. The dataset is stored in data/2015boysnamesfinal.xlsx
10.6.1 Preparatory steps
## SET UP -------------------
# load packages
# fix variables
<- "data/2015boysnamesfinal.xlsx" INPUT_PATH
Before diving into the data import and cleaning, it is helpful to first open the file in Excel. We notice a couple of things there: first, there are several sheets in this Excel file. For this exercise, we only rely on the sheet called “Table 1”. Second, in this sheet, we notice intuitively some potential problems with importing this dataset due to the way the spreadsheet is organized. The actual data entries only start on row 7. These two issues can be considered when importing the data with read_excel()
## LOAD/INSPECT DATA -----------------
# import the excel sheet
<- read_excel(INPUT_PATH, col_names = TRUE,
boys sheet = "Table 1", # the name of the sheet to be loaded into R
skip = 6 # skip the first 6 rows of the original sheet,
## New names:
## • `Rank` -> `Rank...1`
## • `Name` -> `Name...2`
## • `Count` -> `Count...3`
## • `since 2014` -> `since 2014...4`
## • `since 2005` -> `since 2005...5`
## • `` -> `...6`
## • `Rank` -> `Rank...7`
## • `Name` -> `Name...8`
## • `Count` -> `Count...9`
## • `since 2014` -> `since 2014...10`
## • `since 2005` -> `since 2005...11`
# inspect
## # A tibble: 61 × 11
## Rank...1 Name.…¹ Count…² since…³ since…⁴ ...6 Rank.…⁵ Name.…⁶
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA> NA <NA> <NA>
## 2 1 OLIVER 6941 +4 NA 51 REUBEN
## 3 2 JACK 5371 -1 NA 52 HARLEY
## 4 3 HARRY 5308 +6 NA 53 LUCA
## 5 4 GEORGE 4869 +3 +13 NA 54 MICHAEL
## 6 5 JACOB 4850 -1 +16 NA 55 HUGO
## 7 6 CHARLIE 4831 -1 +6 NA 56 LEWIS
## 8 7 NOAH 4148 +4 +44 NA 57 FRANKIE
## 9 8 WILLIAM 4083 +2 NA 58 LUKE
## 10 9 THOMAS 4075 -3 -6 NA 59 STANLEY
## # … with 51 more rows, 3 more variables: Count...9 <dbl>,
## # `since 2014...10` <chr>, `since 2005...11` <chr>, and
## # abbreviated variable names ¹Name...2, ²Count...3,
## # ³`since 2014...4`, ⁴`since 2005...5`, ⁵Rank...7, ⁶Name...8
Note that by default, read_excel()
“repairs” the column names of imported datasets to ensure all columns have unique names. We do not need to worry about the automatically assigned column names. However, some of the columns are not needed for analytics purposes. In addition, we note that some rows are empty (contain NA
values). In the next step we select only those columns needed and filter incomplete observations out.
# FILTER/CLEAN ---------------------------
# select columns
<- select(boys, Rank...1, Name...2, Count...3, Rank...7, Name...8, Count...9)
boys # filter rows
<- filter(boys, ! boys
Finally, we re-arrange the data by stacking them in a three-column format.
# stack columns
<- bind_rows(boys[,1:3], boys[,4:6]) boys_long
## New names:
## New names:
## • `Rank...1` -> `Rank`
## • `Name...2` -> `Name`
## • `Count...3` -> `Count`
# inspect result
## # A tibble: 114 × 3
## Rank Name Count
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 1 OLIVER 6941
## 2 2 JACK 5371
## 3 3 HARRY 5308
## 4 4 GEORGE 4869
## 5 5 JACOB 4850
## 6 6 CHARLIE 4831
## 7 7 NOAH 4148
## 8 8 WILLIAM 4083
## 9 9 THOMAS 4075
## 10 10 OSCAR 4066
## # … with 104 more rows
The related function
, returns a list (seelapply(swiss, mean)